Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ode to Hall 3

Tomorrow we are going to Zanzibar, and then Monday night we will move into our home-stay residences and will officially leave our dorm, Hall Three. I am looking forward to the home-stay, but I have grown fond of the dorm and I wanted to take note of some of the lessons I have learned while living there.

1. If you want to do something involving water, DO IT NOW (because the water could go out at any time)
2. The same thing goes for anything involving electricity
3. Always bring your flashlight to the bathroom at night
4. The mattress may or may not give you scabies
5. Don't tug too hard on your mosquito net
6. Sound travels so try to go to bed before the other American students start partying
7. Don't plug your chargers into a converter because they will melt
8. Always flush your poop. Always. You live in a community.
9. Be sure to say hi to the guards when you enter and leave the dorm because they are awesome.

These lessons do not paint the most romantic picture of the dorms, but with that being said I have enjoyed living in Hall 3 and it will be missed.

This week has been busy despite not having as many hours of classes. We had tests in Human Evolution, Ecology and Swahili, and we are all trying to get our IRB forms completed before we go on our break. Unfortunately, our program alum Laura found out she has malaria yesterday, and three girls on a program from the University of Florida also found out they all have malaria. Hopefully I can dodge that bullet.

I am getting so excited for our weekend in Zanzibar. We are leaving early tomorrow morning and we have a really fun itinerary lined up. I will be sure to post about it when we get back!

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